Kristen Abbott | Artist Feature

May 7, 2024

In her captivating "The Language of Leaves" series, mixed media artist Kristen Abbott unveils the hidden narratives and symbolism woven into the fabric of nature. Merging traditional techniques with innovative approaches, Abbott's work stands as a powerful embodiment of the profound dialogue between human creativity and the natural world.

Abbott reflects on her artistic journey: "Embracing the unpredictable interactions that emerge, I navigate the interplay between creator and creation, human touch and natural forces." This statement encapsulates the essence of her practice—a delicate balance between intention and serendipity, control and surrender.

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Abbott invites viewers to rediscover the often-overlooked beauty and significance of the natural world. Her work serves as a poignant reminder of our interconnectedness with nature, encouraging us to listen closely to the whispers of the leaves and the stories they have to tell.

"This collaboration with the elements reignites my sense of wonder, motivating me to continually approach the canvas in pursuit of capturing the enigmatic essence of the landscape."

artwork by kristen abbott

Artist Process

At the heart of Abbott's process lies the cyanotype, a photographic printing method dating back to the 19th century. Known for its distinctive Prussian blue hue, this alternative process was originally used by botanists to document plant specimens. Abbott breathes new life into this historical technique, reimagining it through her unique artistic lens.

The artist begins by meticulously foraging for leaves, each carefully selected for its form and potential for storytelling. These botanical specimens are then thoughtfully arranged on natural fiber surfaces, which have been treated with a light-sensitive emulsion, creating a canvas primed for transformation.

Harnessing the power of the Colorado sun, Abbott exposes her compositions to nature's own light source. This act of collaboration with the environment yields rich, deep blue impressions, capturing the essence of each leaf in exquisite detail. The artist then delicately enhances these solar-etched images, using a harmonious blend of organic compounds, watercolor, and pan pastels to breathe new life and dimension into the work.

kristen abbott artist process
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