AK Hardeman | Artist Feature
October 4, 2021
As an artist, AK is interested in the interaction of color and how the arrangements of color create a work of art. Her focus is on colors that express her emotions and feelings in an image that leaves the viewers room to interpret and unravel their own meaning. AK enjoys working with various mediums from oil paint to markers to create her works on canvas and paper.

AK currently lives in Birmingham, Alabama with her husband Casey and their two children. Her work has featured in InStyle Magazine, Architectural Digest, Home and Garden UK, Magazinish by Cherish, Mobile Bay Monthly, and Birmingham Home and Garden.

Exhibit is proud to share AK Hardeman is featured in Architectural Digest for their recent project with Carly Berlin! AK's focus on simplicity paired with complex color palettes push creativity in design. It's wonderful to see how AK is able to capture her feelings and give the viewers room to interpret and unravel their own meaning.