Patrick Adams

Light Under Pressure

"Light Under Pressure" by Patrick Adams is a 42x48 oil painting is dominated by various shades of blue and yellow. This piece challenges viewers to consider the relationship between the tangible and intangible aspects of existence, and how art serves as a unifying force between these realms.

Its abstract nature and textural elements make it a fitting piece for modern farmhouse interiors or spaces embracing rustic luxury.

Whether displayed in a coastal retreat, a contemporary urban loft, or a rustic country home, this piece promises to spark conversation and inspire a deeper understanding of the human experience and our connection to the natural world.

• Oil on two panels
42.00w x 48.00h x 2.00d in
Order by phone +1 (918) 740-1054
Light Under Pressure by Patrick Adams
Light Under Pressure by Patrick Adams
Light Under Pressure by Patrick Adams
Light Under Pressure by Patrick Adams